Coaching Offerings

One-on-one Coaching

I offer 1-on-1 virtual coaching for women and men via video-call. We will work together to set individualized goals so that every coaching session draws on your unfolding life-experiences, and focuses on the topics that will be the keys to your growth. 

To provide a few examples of what my clients choose to focus on in our work together: 

There are also several special populations that I am well-positioned to serve given my lived experiences: 

Virtual coaching sessions last between 1 and 1.5 hours and take place weekly over Zoom. I encourage new clients to commit to a minimum of 3 months of weekly coaching. 

Group Coaching for Men

I offer virtual brotherhood circles for men. This is an ongoing, virtual group-coaching experience for men who desire a supportive brotherhood focused on personal growth, emotional depth, and mutual accountability. A coaching group is the perfect place to work on:

Each group is a curated mix of men who are in different stages of their lives – fathers, divorcees, bachelors, entrepreneurs, and corporate climbers. I will create a safe space and provide group coaching to ensure that we can all learn from each other, including learning from the guy who pisses you off. We will work together to cultivate deep presence, fearless leadership, and more authentic relationships.

Group format:

Weekly zoom meeting for 1.5 hours: 

Here’s one big reason why this is different from most coaching groups:

The time-horizon for the group is open ended. Ideally the men who join will want to build supportive relationships with each other over multiple years

If you are interested in joining a men's group, please take a moment to fill out the application below. 

In-person Workshops

I also offer in-person workshops at yoga studios and wellness facilities in the northern Virginia area, as well as in Washington, D.C. To get information about upcoming workshops, please follow my IG account @jon.forney

To book me for a workshop or speaking engagement, please fill out my contact form below.